Understanding Information Requests (RFI) from Sunshine Coast Council during Development Application (DA)
What is an Information Request (RFI):
Planning to develop your property on the Sunshine Coast can be tricky. One part of the process is dealing with information requests from Council, also known as RFIs (Request For Information). This blog post breaks down what these requests involve and how you can navigate them during the development assessment process.
Examples of an Information Request:
Once you submit your Development Application (DA), Council might ask for more details to assess it properly. Information requests can cover a wide range of topics, including:
Compliance with relevant Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme Codes;
Unclear or insufficient building design plans, civil engineering plans, landscape architect plans, and other consultant reports provided for development assessment;
Site access, parking, and manoeuvring considerations;
Investigations into potential flooding and/or overland flow;
Stormwater disposal and lawful point of discharge;
Investigation of acoustic impacts;
Lack of justification for the removal of vegetation; and
Examination of acid sulphate soils.
Who else can issue an Information Request:
Besides Council, other agencies may also ask for information directly. This is to make sure various perspectives are considered during the assessment.
How long do I have to respond to an Information Request?
According to the QLD Development Assessment Rules, you have three months to provide the needed information after the request. If you need more time, you can talk to Council and agree on an extension.
Can I ask for an extension to an Information Request?
The rules recognise that sometimes you might need more time. So, you can work out an extension with Council if necessary, ensuring a fair process for everyone.
How to respond to an Information Request:
It's essential to talk to your Building Designer, Town Planner, and any other consultants involved to sort out any issues mentioned in the information request. Generally, your town planner will prepare a response on your behalf. Clear communication speeds up the process and ensures that concerns are addressed effectively and on time.
DraftRoom Building Design:
We're here to guide you through this process. DraftRoom Building Design collaborates with all consultants and works closely with Sunshine Coast Council to ensure your journey is smooth and timely.
Free Site Assessment:
If you're considering a dual occupancy (duplex) development on the Sunshine Coast, we offer a Free Site Assessment to help you explore the possibilities. Ready to take the next step? Claim your Free Site Assessment today!